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Talk in Maryland about cracking down on first time DUI offenders

On Behalf of | Jun 11, 2012 | Drunk Driving

Though Maryland drunk driving laws have been tightened in recent years, many special interest groups are lobbying to increase the severity of such penalties to an even greater degree. The focus of many such groups is now on the individual charged for the first time of such an offense.

Lawmakers have already lowered blood alcohol levels required for conviction, and have required ignition locks to prevent individuals charged from drinking and driving. Even individuals with blood alcohol levels as low as .04 can still be charged if it appears that there is evidence of impairment. Yet prosecutors would like to see penalties instituted that would prevent individuals charged for the first time from being able to drive on the road.

Attorneys that represent individuals charged with DUI do not condone drinking and driving. They represent such clients in an effort to counsel them and perhaps help change the course of their lives.

Such attorneys understand that the facts for every alleged drunken driving incident are unique, and therefore the facts of each case must be closely examined. Though it may sound good in theory, drivers pulled over for the first time should not be treated the same as those pulled over several times.

Individuals charged for the first time for a DUI seldom go unpunished. While facing such severe criminal penalties, many drivers may be facing other consequences that go well beyond the possible criminal convictions that they face. Being charged with a drinking related offense can result if family conflict as well and can profoundly affect one’s reputation in the community.

Source: ABC 2 News, “Md DUI Laws need revamp legal blogger says,” June 6, 2012